Sunday, February 21, 2010

We're blooming!

We have these fabulous green and yellow leaved trees growing on our property and I have not been able to find out the name of it. 
They bloom in February and March.
I love the leaves, but I really love these magnificent flowers. I think they look somewhat like a bottle brush at one end.  I like that all the trees don't bloom at the same time so it prolongs the flowering season. Last year we didn't have very many blooms, but it is looking like this year will make up for it.
We're also seeing a number of different looking lizards, like this guy sunning himself on the rim of our chiminea.
This is a closeup look at the Pride of Barbados. You can see why it is one of my favorites.
Such a beautiful, elegant flower. I just had to share it with you. 

1 comment:

  1. gorgeous! Pride of Barbados is such a favorite of mine. Blessings on you and Don! -maria
